Palacio de Bellas Artes 14 Mayo 2016

Palacio de Bellas Artes 8 Abril 2016

Héctor Infanzón presents his solo piano repertoire, the encounter with an instrument of infinite possibilities, where improvisation makes each concert a unique and unrepeatable experience.
He has performed recitals in which national and foreign audience have witnessed interpretations that follow the virtuosity to the exposure of the deepest emotions, in the intimacy given by the close approach between the audience and the author at the moment of the creation.
Press excerpts:
"...He shows constantly his portentous harmonic constructions, his feeling, his intelligence, a sui generis intelligence that does not stop too long to think about what follows. It just flows. Technique supports it and an overflowing imagery illuminates his steps ... "

Festival de Jazz Polanco 2016

Noviembre 2016

Cuarteto Héctor Infanzón 2016
Héctor Infanzón QUARTET
With a great tradition in the field of jazz, Héctor Infanzón's Quartet has performed in the most important stages of the world, where the audience has witnessed performances in which he exhibits his own work, which refer us to his search: the identity of the Mexican artist of the 21st century, through music in which different rhythms and genres merge, united by improvisation.
During 40 years of a successful career, he has been accompanied by renowned musicians, friends and colleagues, as well as talents of the new generations of musicians in the country, with which his musical language is renewed in each presentation.
The repertoire is composed of themes of his authorship, which have been recorded in, “De manera Personal”, “Nos toca , Impulsos and Citadino.
The show is accompanied by videos alluding to the theme of the compositions.
Press excerpts:
"If you want to listen to jazz in a perfect fusion between improvisation and Latin rhythms, one of the artists you must listen to is Héctor Infanzón, this Berklee College of Music graduate not only includes Latin jazz percussion, or tries to include the Latin jazz, he naturally uses the two as the means to express their feelings and emotions. Some traces of the classic flash here and there, adding tonal nuances in his brilliant and surprising music"

Nocturnando 2016

Orquesta Héctor Infanzón
The Hector Infanzón Orchestra was founded in 2013, under the name of "Citadino Big Band", with the aim of being a meeting point and a proposal for the great contemporary piano representatives.
Under his direction, the orchestra is composed of musicians also recognized as soloists, to create together, music that demands a high level of performance.
In 2016, it changed its name to “Orquesta de Héctor Infanzón” and also started the project "Nocturnando". The objective of this project is to create a nightclub in each place where the orchestra is presented, so that the audience can experience the interaction with artists who offer original music that gives testimony of our own time and the future of our generations, this is how the public actively participates to Create the Nostalgia of Tomorrow, which is the phrase that identifies this proposal and that has already been pleasantly recognized and received since its debut by the audience and the press.
Press excerpts:
"... The National Arts Center welcomes a genre that is usually only heard in dance halls, this is for Hector Infanzón a great pleasure." He assures that it is a sign of a spirit of openness to all genres, in this case, salsa.
It is a concert of original works and musicians of great quality, in which music can be heard and also danced, enjoyable for all kinds of audiences "
XAVIER QUIRARTE, MILENIO CULTURA, ABRIL 2014 http://m.milenio.com/cultura/salsa-empieza-proyecto-Pianismo_0_275972447.html
"... After nine o'clock at night, an event that will remain for the musical history occurred when the performers came together, they did not know where to look, they gave as a result a fluid communication between their hands, between their pianos, between their hearts, causing an ecstasy of flavor that we all enjoy ...

Sala Nezahualcóyotl Diciembre 2016

Héctor Infanzón

Sept 2015

The enormous pleasure of exploring different musical languages, together with his classical training and his vocation for composition, has led Héctor Infanzón to present his compositions in large formats, in which he clearly exposes his way of conceiving music, in which makes use of different genres and musical resources, resulting from his experiences and his interest in constant exploration.
Press excerpts:
He has composed works that has been performed by prestigious orchestras in Mexico and abroad, as well as by renowned soloists, and he is also an interpreter of his own compositions.

¡¡Inicio del encuentro... Máscara vs. Cabellera!!

Recital pianístico Máscara vs. Cabellera

Verenice Callejo ¡¡... Tocarán a 2 de 3 caídas sin límite de notas!! Máscara vs. Cabellera

Two great piano exponents in Mexico, two styles, two musical languages, two temperaments that face each other ... in a wrestling Ring !!!
Alberto Cruzprieto, with the classical technique, the discipline, the precision, the interpretative sensitivity, he is faced in a duel in the purest style of wrestling in Mexico, to the freedom of improvisation, of exploration, of the creativity of Hector Infanzón, who is undoubtedly the rude guy.
Between breakers, keys and ringlets, they invite us to a journey through one of the most deeply-rooted traditions of humanity, face-to-face confrontation, now piano to piano, where they intertwine one another in their styles to converge on an idea: Music is a shared language and the game is the foundation of creation.
Press excerpts:
"The Esperanza Iris Teatro De La Ciudad was filled with color, a lot of shouting, hustle and endless rough and technical
movements, with two outstanding pianists such as Héctor Infanzón and Alberto Cruzprieto, who offered the concert, Máscara vs cabellera , Without limit of musical notes , high-rise and with many funny parts, there was the presentation of two musical stars, "El Cruz Prieto" and "El Infant Son", who for more than an hour and fifteen minutes delighted both locals and strangers.
At the end they received a standing ovation, very few concerts like this one are given in our country ".

Héctor Infanzón Teatro de la Ciudad, 2012

Espectáculo Citadino 2016

Espectáculo Citadino 2016

Espectáculo Multidisciplinario de Héctor Infanzón 2016
"Going out to face life, respond to each of the situations and circumstances that arise, that is improvising, creating a day. " For Héctor Infanzón, this is precisely the meaning of being a Citadino, a way of living, a way of creating ourselves and thus testifying about the time we had to live.
Going out, seeing, observing, remembering and imagining beyond what is presented to us at first sight, living the city, recognizing the places, their inhabitants and resignifying them, is what gives rise to the Citadino show, the interpretation about the facts that lived in Mexico City.
The Citadino show is undoubtedly a manifesto of our time and our identity, which shows in the national and international scenes of the daily history that our generations have lived and that now is presented in a format that includes other artistic expressions that complement it speech, and where creators of the visual and scenic arts of recognized prestige participate, which has surprised and enjoyed the audience. Unifying them, is what gives rise to the Citadino show, the interpretation about the facts that lived in Mexico City.
Press excerpts:
"Alongside musicians, actors and visual artists on stage, they produced a show that toured the sounds of downtown Mexico City with the intention of paying tribute to it. "Goodnight. Welcome to the heart of the great Tenochtitlan. Welcome to downtown, the heart of the great Mexico City "were the words that served as a preamble to listen to the notes produced by an organ grinder who went through the concert hall to get on stage and give the courier to the city music of Hector Infanzón" .